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I'm an English teacher who tries to make my students happy, but I'm not a super teacher who always helps students make significant improvement. I've got some routines to make my class alive. My students leave good feedback dealing with this. I know about how to be a powerful and happy teacher because of my students.

Started from greeting the students, I must always look happy and show positive looks. Greeting students enthusiastically is the power or energy for students. I should give positive welcome to students by smiling, helping students, asking students whether they've got problems, and seeing students. I make students ready to start the class and they talk something good to entertain and motivate students. I don't start the materials directly, but I start the classes with fun activities encouraging them to happily learn in my class. I empower them by giving good words, news, stories, facts, and so forth. I also manage my voice in my classroom.

The most important is that I avoid showing my difficulties, challenges, or sadness relating my own life or days since students have got their own bad days. They deserve to get happiness in my class. In many cases, as I know from students, they aren't enhanced due to our story about what we do for them like, "I've got problem at home." "I must go to school early by bus." "I'm not paid well." These seem powerful utterances to make students become understanding, but actually they are destructive; in my ways of teaching. Every teacher has got different views of this. However, I hinder telling my rough time to my students especially what I've done. Repeating such a same challenging time story makes students feel, "Hey, I'm here to study and get a good environment, not to listen about this drowned on and on."

For my main lessons, I try to organise my lessons well. My focus is that my students make improvement, but don't make a different definition of this from what I mean. I emphasise on students happiness. I make different lessons for my classes. They must be different and unique for every meeting. Happy lessons are the key. I stimulate students to actively participate in the lessons, and they are the centre of the lessons. The procedures of teaching or presentation must be fun and relaxing to provide secure condition to learn, so that students aren't under pressured. Controlled games are impacting activities for students.

Knowing all students is needed. I must see whether students are bored, sad, sick, sleepy, etc. It means that lessons aren't on the track of lessons plans is OK. I need an additional and emergency resource box in case my students need icebreakers, fun activities, or other energisers. These out-of-track procedures consume time, and sometimes I skip a procedure.

I note down what I deal with me in my classes: what I wear, what activities I provide, how I manage my behaviour, how I manage my voice, and so on since I want to do different habits in my classes if I have got to move around the class, stand in one point, and many more. However, I rarely sit down in my chair when teaching. Controlling emotion is also a crucial part to notice. Some students are sensitive. Besides, I try to surprise my students by providing activities or things they request. I hate waiting, and that's why I don't want to make my students wait for me, too. I love my students, and this makes me listen to my students. Besides, I don't make a joke by pointing a student as an object.

I make reflection and evaluation of my lessons with students. I always welcome with what my students criticise, suggest, or ask relating to my class activities.
I end the class by giving them motivation relating about their dreams, days, and other important points .


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